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Preston Le

Preston Le is a senior undergraduate student at the University of Colorado, Denver, USA (CU Denver). He is completing a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology with plans to matriculate to medical school through the BA-BS/MD program. In addition to his course, Preston works as a research student in the Rheumatology Section of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Colorado,  and serves as the president of the Minority Association of Pre-Health Students at CU Denver. Preston also engages with his community as a legislative intern, helping to shepherd health-conscious legislation through the Colorado Legislative Assembly. 


11-10-2019 | Axial spondyloarthritis | Editorial | Article

Do current therapies slow radiographic progression in axial spondyloarthritis/ ankylosing spondylitis?

Preston Le, Stephanie Qi, and Liron Caplan discuss the efficacy of current therapies in slowing radiographic progression of ankylosing spondylitis.