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23 search results for:

Anti-CD4 antibodies 

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  1. 20-05-2022 | TNF inhibitors | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Rheumatology and Therapy

    Association between TNFi anti-drug antibodies, smoking, and disease activity in patients with inflammatory arthritis: Results from a Norwegian cross-sectional observational study

    DOI [Teaser] Key Summary Points Real-life studies on the clinical impact of neutralizing TNFi anti-drug antibodies (nADAb) including a broad range of disease activity metrics are needed, as well as studies exploring the impact of smoking on formation of nADAb.

  2. 14-02-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Most RMD patients retain antibodies 6 months after COVID-19 vaccination

    Among people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 decrease in the 6-month period following two doses of mRNA vaccines, but remain above the threshold of predicted neutralizing ability in the majority of patients, research suggests.

  3. 03-11-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    COVID-19 vaccines have ‘acceptable safety profile’ in people with antiphospholipid antibodies

    Study findings suggest that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have a favorable short-term safety profile in people with antiphospholipid antibodies.

  4. 07-09-2020 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Anti-CarbV antibodies show treatment biomarker potential in RA

    Anti-carbamylated vimentin antibodies may be associated with treatment response and structural damage progression among patients with rheumatoid arthritis, shows a post-hoc analysis of data from the phase 3 RA-BEGIN trial.

  5. 15-01-2020 | Myositis | Editorial | Article

    Do myositis-specific antibodies have an impact on the treatment of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies?

    Latika Gupta and Rohit Aggarwal evaluate the use of myositis-specific antibodies in the classification and management of this disease.

  6. 10-03-2018 | ANCA-associated vasculitis | Review | Article

    Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and their clinical significance

    Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are a group of autoantibodies that cause systemic vascular inflammation by binding to target antigens

  7. 05-02-2018 | TNF inhibitors | News | Article

    Antidrug antibodies may contribute to TNF inhibitor failure in arthritis patients

    The development of antidrug antibodies against adalimumab or infliximab, but not etanercept, may play a role in the development of secondary treatment failure among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or spondyloarthritis, researchers report.

  8. 30-03-2017 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Anticollagen antibodies predict favorable prognosis in RA

    Antifibrillar collagen type II antibodies are associated with a favorable inflammatory outcome among patients with rheumatoid arthritis, researchers report.

  9. 14-06-2018 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | Article

    Anti-carbamylated protein antibodies as a new biomarker of erosive joint damage in systemic lupus erythematosus

    Ceccarelli F et al. Arthritis Res Ther 2018; 20: 126. doi: 10.1186/s13075-018-1622-z

  10. 19-11-2015 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | Review | Article

    Anti-DNA antibodies — quintessential biomarkers of SLE

    Antibodies that recognize and bind to DNA are in regular use as biomarkers for diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. This review highlights current and future challenges of such biomarkers.  Nat Rev Rheumatol 2016;12:102–110. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2015.151

  11. 16-08-2021 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    New additions to the Adis Journal Club

    A monthly selection of topical peer-reviewed articles from the Adis journals, curated by the editors.

  12. 08-02-2022 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    Rituximab and rheumatology practice in the COVID-19 era

    How can rheumatologists respond to the challenges associated with rituximab use during the pandemic?

  13. 10-01-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    B-cell threshold for COVID-19 vaccine response defined in rituximab-treated patients

    Specifically, they say that rituximab-treated patients with B-cell numbers below 10 cells/µL had “substantially diminished” circulating T follicular helper cell-like CD4+ T cells, reduced activated CD4+ CD8+ T cells with co-expression of CD38 and HLA-DR, and impaired interferon-gamma secretion by spike-specific CD4+ T cells.

  14. 24-05-2021 | ACR 2021 | Teaser

    ACR Convergence 2021 highlights

    3–9 November: Keep up with the latest news and interviews from the conference.

  15. 06-09-2021 | Pneumonia | Teaser

    Anifrolumab for the treatment of lupus

    Perspective on the approval of anifrolumab and the importance of endpoints in lupus trials.

  16. 26-10-2020 | Vitamin D | Teaser

    Get ready for ACR Convergence 2020

    5 – 9 November: Preview the conference with session recommendations and updates on upcoming coverage.

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