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  1. 13-12-2022 | Baricitinib | News | Article

    Baricitinib linked to increased risk for VTE

    Real-world study findings suggest that people with rheumatoid arthritis treated with the JAK inhibitor baricitinib may have a higher risk for venous thromboembolism than those on TNF inhibitors.

  2. 16-11-2022 | ACR 2022 | Conference coverage | Article

    JUVE-BASIS: Support for baricitinib in juvenile arthritis

    The Janus kinase inhibitor baricitinib has the potential to be “an important part of the treatment landscape” for juvenile arthritis, research suggests.

  3. 03-06-2022 | EULAR 2022 | Conference coverage | Article

    Evidence for baricitinib efficacy in SLE ‘remains inconclusive’

    Discordant results from two phase 3 studies make it difficult to determine whether baricitinib benefits patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, despite previous positive findings in phase 2.

  4. 06-04-2022 | Sjögren’s syndrome | News | Article
    News in brief

    Baricitinib warrants further investigation for primary Sjögren’s syndrome

    Findings from a phase 1/2 pilot study suggest that baricitinib may be a promising treatment option for primary Sjögren's syndrome.

  5. 30-07-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    Regulatory update

    Baricitinib monotherapy gains FDA authorization for COVID-19

    “[T]he known and potential benefits of baricitinib when used to treat COVID-19 in such patients […] outweigh the known and potential risks,” the agency adds.

  6. 30-04-2021 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Clinical differences in baricitinib and tofacitinib effectiveness in rheumatoid arthritis

    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may derive better clinical outcomes from baricitinib than tofacitinib in the first 24 weeks of treatment, especially if they have previously received multiple biologic DMARDs, show real-world data.

  7. 26-04-2021 | BSR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article
    News in brief

    Age, sex may influence baricitinib discontinuation rates in rheumatoid arthritis

    Real-world study results suggest that the majority of baricitinib-treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis remain on the JAK inhibitor after a year, with older age and female sex associated with treatment persistence.

  8. 15-12-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    ACTT-2 trial: Baricitinib shows promise for COVID-19

    Adding the JAK inhibitor baricitinib to remdesivir treatment reduces recovery time and improves clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19, suggest findings from the ACTT-2 randomized controlled trial.

  9. 15-12-2020 | COVID-19 | Teaser
    medwireNews top story

    ACTT-2 trial: Baricitinib shows promise for COVID-19

    Adding the JAK inhibitor baricitinib to remdesivir treatment reduces recovery time and improves clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19, suggest findings from the ACTT-2 randomized controlled trial.

  10. 15-12-2020 | COVID-19 | Highlight | Teaser
    Spotlight on: Repurposing rheumatology drugs for COVID-19

    ACTT-2 trial: Baricitinib shows promise for COVID-19

    Adding the JAK inhibitor baricitinib to remdesivir treatment reduces recovery time and improves clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19, suggest findings from the ACTT-2 randomized controlled trial.

  11. 20-11-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    Regulatory update

    FDA authorizes baricitinib combination for COVID-19

    medwireNews : The US FDA has issued an Emergency Use Authorization permitting the use of the Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor baricitinib, in combination with remdesivir, for the treatment of COVID-19.

  12. 01-12-2020 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article
    News in brief

    3-year results support long-term efficacy of baricitinib in RA

    Patients with moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis treated with the JAK inhibitor baricitinib experience benefits for up to 3 years, researchers report.

  13. 15-10-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Baricitinib may warrant further investigation for COVID-19 pneumonia

    Preliminary findings from an observational study suggest that add-on treatment with baricitinib may improve respiratory function in patients with moderate-to-severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia.

  14. 29-09-2020 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article
    News in brief

    RA-BALANCE: Further support for baricitinib in rheumatoid arthritis

    The JAK inhibitor baricitinib results in clinical improvements among Chinese patients with moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequate response to methotrexate, suggests an analysis of data from the RA-BALANCE trial.

  15. 13-07-2020 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article
    Regulatory update

    FDA adds hypersensitivity warning to baricitinib label

    The US FDA has added a precaution to the label for baricitinib advising of a possible risk for reactions including angioedema, urticaria, and rash that may reflect drug hypersensitivity.

  16. 02-06-2020 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Baricitinib interruptions have minimal long-term impact in RA

    Brief interruptions are common among people receiving baricitinib for rheumatoid arthritis and are associated with minor increases in symptoms that resolve following retreatment without impacting long-term efficacy, phase 3 trial data show.

  17. 04-07-2019 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Baricitinib, with optional methotrexate, may be beneficial in RA

    Baricitinib monotherapy may be a suitable maintenance strategy for some patients with rheumatoid arthritis, but some may also need methotrexate, suggest findings from a post-hoc analysis.

  18. 13-05-2019 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Switch from adalimumab to baricitinib may benefit some RA patients

    Analysis of data from the RA-BEAM and RA-BEYOND trials suggests that switching from adalimumab to baricitinib is associated with improvements in disease control and patient-reported outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, with an acceptable safety profile.

  19. 13-05-2019 | Rheumatoid arthritis | Highlight | Teaser
    medwireNews top story

    Switch from adalimumab to baricitinib may benefit some RA patients

    Analysis of data from the RA-BEAM and RA-BEYOND trials suggests that switching from adalimumab to baricitinib is associated with improvements in disease control and patient-reported outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, with an acceptable safety profile.

  20. 15-06-2018 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | Highlight | Teaser

    Baricitinib shows promise in SLE

    The addition of once-daily baricitinib to standard background therapy could improve clinical outcomes in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, phase II trial findings show.

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