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355 search results for:

Behçet’s disease 

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  1. 07-10-2022 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Pain intensity correlates with disease activity in RA

    Pain intensity strongly correlates with disease activity measured by DAS28-ESR in people with rheumatoid arthritis, with the association mostly explained by the patient global assessment element of the composite score, study data show.

  2. 26-09-2022 | Risk prediction | News | Article

    Local environment impacts recurrent hospitalization risk in rheumatic disease

    Among the individual disease groups, the ORs for four or more hospitalizations associated with the highest SVI were a significant 2.06, 1.94, and 1.84 among people with osteoarthritis, crystalline arthritis, and inflammatory arthritis, respectively, with a similar but nonsignificant trend among those with SLE or connective tissue disease.

  3. 14-10-2022 | Systemic sclerosis | News | Article

    Men may have a more severe SSc-ILD disease course than women

    Men with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease may experience worse outcomes than women, which could be explained by sex differences in biomarker profiles, suggests a post-hoc analysis of the SLS I and SLS II trials.

  4. 22-09-2022 | Polymyalgia rheumatica | News | Article

    SEMAPHORE: Tocilizumab reduces disease activity in steroid-dependent polymyalgia rheumatica

    The IL-6 receptor inhibitor tocilizumab may significantly reduce disease activity and the amount of prednisone needed in people with glucocorticoid-dependent active polymyalgia rheumatica, suggest results from a phase 3 trial published in JAMA .

  5. 18-10-2022 | Psoriatic arthritis | News | Article

    Support for JAK inhibitors as ‘drug of choice’ for patients with PsA and significant joint disease

    “Based on these findings, for patients with PsA with significant joint disease, but milder skin disease, certainly a JAK inhibitor could be the drug of choice,” say the researchers.

  6. 01-09-2022 | Cardiovascular disease | News | Article

    CV risk reduction should be ‘an integral part’ of autoimmune disease management

    A large study published in The Lancet has found that people with autoimmune diseases have an approximately 1.4–3.6-fold increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease relative to the general population.

  7. 31-05-2022 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Risk score may identify subclinical RA-associated lung disease

    A risk score that incorporates sex, age at rheumatoid arthritis  onset, disease activity, and the MUC5B rs35705950 genetic variant may be useful for the prediction of subclinical RA-associated interstitial lung disease, research suggests.

  8. 19-05-2022 | Psoriatic arthritis | News | Article

    Residual disease burden highlighted in people with psoriatic arthritis

    Among patients assessed by PsA-specific metrics across the studies, 14–100% achieved at least minimal disease activity (MDA) or low disease activity (LDA), while 12–43% achieved very low disease activity (VLDA) or remission.

  9. 17-06-2022 | Psoriasis | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Rheumatology and Therapy

    Dactylitis and Early Onset Psoriasis in Psoriatic Arthritis: Are they Markers of Disease Severity? A Clinical Study

    There were no differences in the disease activity, function, or impact of the disease.

  10. 07-02-2022 | Image

    Timeline of JAK inhibitor approvals for rheumatic diseases in the USA and Europe

    2022 Springer Healthcare Limited. Part of the Springer Nature Group
  11. 16-05-2022 | Juvenile idiopathic arthritis | News | Article

    Familial autoimmunity may be linked to celiac disease risk in JIA

    Individuals with juvenile idiopathic arthritis have a higher-than-average incidence of celiac disease that may be associated with a family history of autoimmunity and a more severe disease course, Italian researchers report.

  12. 24-03-2022 | Kawasaki disease | News | Article

    Network meta-analysis rates treatments for Kawasaki disease

    Adding infliximab to standard therapy with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin plus high-dose aspirin may decrease fever duration and prevent coronary artery lesions in children with Kawasaki disease, study findings indicate.

  13. 17-05-2022 | Psoriasis | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Rheumatology and Therapy

    Exploring the Association Between History of Psoriasis (PSO) and Disease Activity in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA)

    Conclusions Our study demonstrates that currently existing cutaneous lesions in patients themselves are correlated with disease activity and severity of axial joint damage, whereas family history does not have an evident impact on the disease activity of PsA.

  14. 17-03-2022 | Kawasaki disease | News | Article

    ACR–Vasculitis Foundation guidelines for Kawasaki disease published

    medwireNews : The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the Vasculitis Foundation have issued evidence-based recommendations and expert guidance on managing Kawasaki disease (KD).

  15. 06-01-2022 | Infliximab | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Advances in Therapy

    Perspectives on Subcutaneous Infliximab for Rheumatic Diseases and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Era

    Before COVID-19, clinical trials supported the efficacy and safety of switching from IV to SC infliximab for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and SC infliximab may have been selected on the basis of patient and HCP preferences for SC agents.

  16. 17-02-2022 | Cardiovascular disease | News | Article

    Premature coronary artery disease risk increased with IMIDs

    Individuals with certain immune-mediated inflammatory diseases are at increased risk for premature coronary artery disease, show population-based study data from Taiwan.

  17. 20-05-2022 | TNF inhibitors | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Rheumatology and Therapy

    Association between TNFi anti-drug antibodies, smoking, and disease activity in patients with inflammatory arthritis: Results from a Norwegian cross-sectional observational study

    Methods TNFi-treated outpatients with IA were recruited and a broad range of disease activity measures were assessed. nADAb were assessed using a reporter gene assay.

  18. 22-02-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Support for COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents with rheumatic diseases

    The researchers say that disease activity remained stable in 94.4% of participants following the first vaccine dose and in 98.8% following the second dose.

  19. 03-06-2022 | Biosimilars | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Rheumatology and Therapy

    The Non-medical Switch from Reference Adalimumab to Biosimilar Adalimumab is Highly Successful in a Large Cohort of Patients with Stable Inflammatory Rheumatic Joint Diseases: A Real-Life Observational Study

    Patient-reported symptoms without objective signs that indicate a flare of disease activity after the switch to ADAbio are probably explained by nocebo effects.

  20. 28-02-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    SLE disease activity, glucocorticoid use linked to more severe COVID-19 outcomes

    In a multivariable analysis, the 77 people with severe or high SLE disease activity and the 229 with moderate disease activity were significantly more likely to fall into a greater COVID-19 severity category than the 587 in remission, with odds ratios (ORs) of 3.94 and 1.61, respectively.

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