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76 search results for:

Cell therapies 

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  1. 06-09-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Glucocorticoids, B-cell depleting therapies may dampen immune response to COVID-19 vaccines

    Most people with inflammatory diseases treated with immunomodulatory therapies mount an antibody response to mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, but the response may be blunted in those taking glucocorticoids or B cell-depleting therapies, shows the COVaRiPAD study.

  2. 19-12-2022 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | News | Article

    Anti-dsDNA antibodies have potential to guide targeted therapy use in SLE

    An exploratory analysis of data from the phase 2b BEAT LUPUS trial suggests that IgA2 anti-dsDNA antibody levels may be able to predict response to B cell-targeted therapies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

  3. 18-11-2022 | ACR 2022 | Conference coverage | Article

    A Great Debate: To treat or not to treat in pre-RA?

    El-Gabalawy also made a final point that “if we did treat this [pre-RA] population with existing therapies that only delay the onset [of RA], how are we going to find study participants to discover treatments that really prevent RA?”

  4. 25-07-2022 | Psoriatic arthritis | News | Article

    NICE recommends guselkumab for broader PsA population

    In a statement to the press, Laura Coates (University of Oxford, UK) said: “Despite increasing numbers of therapies, there still exists a significant unmet need in psoriatic arthritis.

  5. 14-02-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Meta-analysis confirms negative impact of rituximab on COVID-19 vaccine response

    Findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis indicate that patients treated with anti-CD20 therapies have a heterogeneous response to vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, with particularly low seroconversion rates among those with recent B-cell depletion.

  6. 12-04-2022 | Vasculitis | News | Article

    ALEVIATE trial: Alemtuzumab may warrant further investigation for refractory vasculitis

    Findings from a phase 2b trial suggest that treatment with the anti-CD52 antibody alemtuzumab may be beneficial for some patients with primary systemic vasculitis and an inadequate response to conventional therapies.

  7. 16-08-2021 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    New additions to the Adis Journal Club

    A monthly selection of topical peer-reviewed articles from the Adis journals, curated by the editors.

  8. 28-01-2022 | COVID-19 | Video | Article

    Rituximab use in the COVID-19 era: Striking the right balance

    I think we do have new therapies coming along.

  9. 08-02-2022 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    Rituximab and rheumatology practice in the COVID-19 era

    How can rheumatologists respond to the challenges associated with rituximab use during the pandemic?

  10. 10-01-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    B-cell threshold for COVID-19 vaccine response defined in rituximab-treated patients

    In addition to their findings on antibody responses, Dörner and colleagues also report associations between peripheral B-cell numbers and the T-cell response to vaccination.

  11. 08-12-2021 | Rheumatoid arthritis | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Rheumatology and Therapy

    Differential Changes in ACPA Fine Specificity and Gene Expression in a Randomized Trial of Abatacept and Adalimumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Improved knowledge of the relevant pathological processes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has led to the development of targeted therapies with differing mechanisms of action (MoAs), such as adalimumab and abatacept. 

  12. 10-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Increased risk for breakthrough COVID-19 infection in vaccinated patients with AIRDs

    Presenting the findings in a late-breaking poster session at the conference, Liew noted that “the majority of fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections were on anti-metabolites or B-cell depleting therapies,” with 18% taking CD20 inhibitors and 28% glucocorticoids.

  13. 01-03-2021 | COVID-19 | Feature | Article

    COVID-19 vaccination in patients with rheumatic diseases

    Jeffrey Curtis said in a press release that there was “vigorous debate” on the expected magnitude of benefit for people receiving immunomodulatory therapies.

  14. 08-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Add-on treatment for lupus nephritis: Should belimumab or voclosporin be used first?

    Both speakers agreed that there is a need for further studies to establish whether using both therapies together is beneficial.

  15. 13-09-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Study identifies predictors of COVID-19 vaccine response in rituximab-treated patients

    Among people treated with anti-CD20 B cell-depleting agents, timing of treatment and numbers of circulating CD4+ and CD19+ cells are significant predictors of immune responses to messenger (m)RNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, shows the RituxiVac study.

  16. 24-05-2021 | ACR 2021 | Teaser

    ACR Convergence 2021 highlights

    3–9 November: Keep up with the latest news and interviews from the conference.

  17. 06-09-2021 | Pneumonia | Teaser

    Anifrolumab for the treatment of lupus

    Perspective on the approval of anifrolumab and the importance of endpoints in lupus trials.

  18. 28-09-2021 | Vaccination | News | Article

    Live attenuated zoster vaccine may be ‘reasonable option’ for people taking TNF inhibitors

    “Although vaccine-induced IgG responses were robust, we found cell-mediated responses to be more variable and not sustained at 1 year after vaccination,” summarize the researchers.

  19. 07-09-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    COVID-19 vaccination: Meta-analysis confirms reduced seroconversion rates in people with IMIDs

    “It is unclear whether this is attributable to the underlying disease or to the differences in therapies for these diseases,” remark Sharma et al.

  20. 10-07-2021 | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Pediatric Drugs

    An Update on the Management of Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    New therapies targeting CD20, such as atacicept and telitacicept, seem to be promising drugs for SLE patients.

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