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87 search results for:

Giant cell arteritis 

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  1. 18-03-2022 | Polymyalgia rheumatica | News | Article

    Biomarkers may improve giant cell arteritis diagnosis

    Measuring erythrocyte sedimentation rate, angiopoietin-2/-1 ratio, and matrix metalloprotease-3 levels may help discriminate patients with isolated polymyalgia rheumatica from those with concomitant giant cell arteritis, research suggests.

  2. 14-03-2022 | Giant cell arteritis | News | Article

    Phase 2 trial supports further investigation of JAK inhibitors for giant cell arteritis

    Findings from a proof-of-concept trial provide preliminary evidence to suggest that the JAK inhibitor baricitinib is well tolerated and may have efficacy for the treatment of relapsing giant cell arteritis.

  3. 17-01-2022 | Giant cell arteritis | News | Article

    Weight gain during glucocorticoid use may signal treatment success in giant cell arteritis

    Cumulative prednisone dose and effective disease control are both associated with increased BMI among patients with giant cell arteritis, post-hoc analysis of the GiACTA trial suggests.

  4. 10-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    IL-17A inhibition demonstrates potential for giant cell arteritis

    Findings from the phase 2 TitAIN trial support further investigation of the IL-17A inhibitor secukinumab for the treatment of giant cell arteritis.

  5. 03-11-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    ‘Reassuring’ immunogenicity following two COVID-19 vaccine doses in people with giant cell arteritis

    The majority of patients with giant cell arteritis generate an antibody response following both doses of the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, researchers report in a letter to Rheumatology .

  6. 03-06-2021 | EULAR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Support for glucocorticoid-sparing effect of tocilizumab in giant cell arteritis

    Tocilizumab monotherapy following an ultra-short pulse of glucocorticoid treatment may be effective for inducing and maintaining remission in patients with new-onset giant cell arteritis, suggest preliminary study findings.

  7. 10-11-2020 | ACR 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Reduced flare risk with mavrilimumab in giant cell arteritis

    Mavrilimumab is effective for reducing the risk for flare and maintaining sustained remission in patients with giant cell arteritis, phase 2 study findings show.

  8. 13-06-2019 | Giant cell arteritis | EULAR 2019 | Article

    Further support for tocilizumab use in giant cell arteritis

    More than a third of patients with giant cell arteritis remission who discontinue tocilizumab treatment after 1 year remain in clinical remission for a further 2 years, suggest follow-up results from the GiACTA trial.

  9. 02-11-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | Highlight | Teaser
    medwireNews top story

    Support for PET imaging in early giant cell arteritis diagnosis

    Imaging with a combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography scanner shows good accuracy for diagnosing giant cell arteritis versus the gold-standard temporal artery biopsy.

  10. 22-10-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | News | Article

    Support for PET imaging in early giant cell arteritis diagnosis

    Imaging with a combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography scanner shows good accuracy for diagnosing giant cell arteritis versus the gold-standard temporal artery biopsy.

  11. 29-08-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | Article

    Additional costs of polymyalgia rheumatica with giantcell arteritis

    Mounié M et al. Arthritis Care Res 2018. doi: 10.1002/acr.23736

  12. 02-04-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | Review | Article

    Recent advances in giant cell arteritis

    Purpose of Review: Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common systemic vasculitis.

  13. 25-10-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | News | Article

    Ultrasound shows potential for early diagnosis of large vessel giant cell arteritis

    Vascular ultrasound could be a contender as a first-line imaging test for diagnosing large vessel giant cell arteritis, suggests research.

  14. 21-10-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | Highlight | Teaser
    medwireNews top story

    Ultrasound shows potential for early diagnosis of large vessel giant cell arteritis

    Vascular ultrasound could be a contender as a first-line imaging test for diagnosing large vessel giant cell arteritis, suggests research.

  15. 30-04-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | News | Article

    Further investigation of ustekinumab in giant cell arteritis warranted

    Preliminary study results suggest that the interleukin-12/23 inhibitor ustekinumab may be a promising treatment option for patients with giant cell arteritis.

  16. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Computed tomography angiography of giant cell arteritis

  17. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Positron emission tomography of giant cell arteritis

  18. play
    22-10-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | ACR/ARHP 2018 | Video

    Axillary artery ultrasound proposed as first-line imaging test for large vessel giant cell arteritis

    Berit Dalsgaard Nielsen discusses Aarhus University study findings showing the potential for ultrasound as a first-line imaging test for diagnosing large vessel inflammation in patients with suspected giant cell arteritis (4:57).

  19. 27-09-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | Article

    Full blood count as an ancillary test to support the diagnosis of giant cell arteritis

    Oh LJ et al. Intern Med J 2018; 48: 408–413. doi: 10.1111/imj.13713

  20. 25-04-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | Article

    CD3 immunohistochemistry is helpful in the diagnosis of giant cell arteritis

    Ciccia F et al. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2018; Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/key106

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