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9 search results for:

HIV-associated vasculitis 

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  1. 16-08-2021 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    New additions to the Adis Journal Club

    A monthly selection of topical peer-reviewed articles from the Adis journals, curated by the editors.

  2. 08-02-2022 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    Rituximab and rheumatology practice in the COVID-19 era

    How can rheumatologists respond to the challenges associated with rituximab use during the pandemic?

  3. 24-05-2021 | ACR 2021 | Teaser

    ACR Convergence 2021 highlights

    3–9 November: Keep up with the latest news and interviews from the conference.

  4. 06-09-2021 | Pneumonia | Teaser

    Anifrolumab for the treatment of lupus

    Perspective on the approval of anifrolumab and the importance of endpoints in lupus trials.

  5. 26-10-2020 | Vitamin D | Teaser

    Get ready for ACR Convergence 2020

    5 – 9 November: Preview the conference with session recommendations and updates on upcoming coverage.

  6. 10-05-2021 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    Febuxostat and cardiovascular risk in people with gout

    How will the FAST trial results impact regulatory guidance & clinical practice?

  7. 18-11-2020 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    Telemedicine in rheumatology

    Experts discuss the increasing use of telemedicine in rheumatology during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  8. 09-05-2018 | Vasculitis | Case report | Article

    The first case of bacillus Calmette-Guérin-induced small-vessel central nervous system vasculitis

    This authors use this complex case to illustrate the inherent diagnostic difficulty in evaluating patients with suspected, even confirmed, central nervous system vasculitis. Parent ME, Richer M, Liang P. Clin Rheumatol 2018; Advance online publication.  doi: 10.1007/s10067-018-4136-9

  9. 21-03-2018 | Vasculitis | Review | Article

    Vasculitis in Africa

    Genga E, Oyoo O, Adebajo A. Curr Rheumatol Rep 2018; 20: 4. doi: 10.1007/s11926-018-0711-y

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