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5 search results for:

Jinoos Yazdany 

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  1. 17-12-2020 | COVID-19 | Podcast | Teaser
    Featured podcast

    Repurposing rheumatology drugs for COVID-19: What do we know?

    In the introductory podcast for our series on repurposing rheumatology drugs for COVID-19, Jinoos Yazdany discusses the rationale behind investigating these agents and explores the role of rheumatologists in ensuring they are studied as safely and efficiently as possible (13:07).

  2. 17-12-2020 | COVID-19 | Podcast | Article

    Repurposing rheumatology drugs for COVID-19: What do we know?

    In the introductory podcast for our series on repurposing rheumatology drugs for COVID-19, Jinoos Yazdany discusses the rationale behind investigating these agents and explores the role of rheumatologists in ensuring they are studied as safely and efficiently as possible (13:07).

  3. 18-05-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Corticosteroid use may be a risk factor for COVID-19 hospitalization in rheumatic disease patients

    As outlined by Jinoos Yazdany (University of California, San Francisco, USA) at the virtual 2020 ACR State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium, the study included data from 600 patients submitted to the registry between 24 March and 20 April 2020, of whom 46% were admitted to hospital and 9% died.

  4. 03-04-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Rheumatologists urge caution on chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine use for COVID-19

    In a second opinion article published in the same journal, Kim and co-author Jinoos Yazdany (University of California, San Francisco, USA) stress that “[d]ata to support the use of [hydroxychloroquine] and [chloroquine] for COVID-19 are limited and inconclusive,” whereas “evidence for the use of these drugs to treat immune-mediated diseases is not.”

  5. 05-09-2018 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article
    News in brief

    Biosimilar infliximab may not reduce treatment costs for US patients

    As reported in a JAMA research letter , Jinoos Yazdany (University of California, San Francisco, USA) and team calculated that the use of infliximab-dyyb was associated with “modestly lower” total average annual cost than infliximab, at US$ 14,202 (€ 12,265) versus $ 17,335 (€ 14,970).

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