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36 search results for:

Laura Coates 

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  1. 22-08-2022 | Health services research | News | Article

    More efforts needed to improve gender equity in academic rheumatology

    For the first study, Laura Coates (University of Oxford, UK) and colleagues analyzed survey responses from 324 EULAR and Emerging EULAR Network (EMEUNET) members representing 23 of the 45 society countries as well as the USA and Mexico.

  2. 19-07-2022 | Bimekizumab | News | Article

    Bimekizumab demonstrates sustained benefits in PsA, ankylosing spondylitis

    For the first, Laura Coates (University of Oxford, UK) and colleagues evaluated data from 161 of 206 patients with active PsA who took part in the initial 48-week BE ACTIVE dose-ranging trial and went on to complete the subsequent 104-week open-label extension (OLE) study.

  3. 19-05-2022 | Psoriatic arthritis | News | Article

    Residual disease burden highlighted in people with psoriatic arthritis

    “The findings demonstrate a need for further optimisation of care for patients with PsA,” write Laura Coates (University of Oxford, UK) and co-authors in Rheumatology and Therapy .

  4. 26-01-2022 | Psoriatic arthritis | News | Article

    FDA approves risankizumab for psoriatic arthritis

    Click through to watch Laura Coates discuss how risankizumab may fit in the treatment landscape for psoriatic arthritis Commenting on the announcement, Saakshi Khattri (Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA) says that the approval of the risankizumab “is great news because it adds another biologic treatment to our arsenal to better care for our patients with skin and joint symptoms.” medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2022 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group

  5. 06-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    KEEPsAKE trials show benefits of risankizumab in patients with PsA

    Laura Coates comments on the results of the KEEPsAKE 1 and 2 studies, and explores where risankizumab may fit in the treatment landscape for psoriatic arthritis (5.10).

  6. 12-11-2019 | Psoriatic arthritis | ACR/ARP 2019 | Article

    Continuing ixekizumab superior to withdrawal for stable psoriatic arthritis patients

    The relapse rate for patients who achieved MDA after 24 weeks of open-label treatment and continued to take the interleukin (IL)-17a inhibitor for 40 weeks was 34%, which was significantly lower than the 73% rate seen among patients who received placebo instead, reported Laura Coates, from the University of Oxford in the UK.

  7. 22-10-2019 | Teaser
    ACR/ARP 2019 clinical trial recommendation

    Reduction of Anterior Uveitis Flares in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis Following 1 Year of Treatment with Certolizumab Pegol: 48-Week Interim Results from a 96-Week Open-Label Study

    Sunday,   November 10, 17:00–17:15. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, USA Presenting author:  Irene van der Horst-Bruinsma, Netherlands TRIAL RESULTS PUBLISHED  | Read the full story What our Advisory Board said: This is an important analysis for those treating resistant uveitis where certolizumab may have shown efficacy. – Laura Coates, UK

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