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41 search results for:

Lifestyle management 

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  1. 29-11-2022 | Gout | News | Article

    The metabolic syndrome may influence the risk for gout

    In addition, since recovery from MetS can lower the risk of gout, it is important to implement strategies such as lifestyle modification and appropriate pharmacologic treatment for MetS management in young men,” say the researchers.

  2. 31-01-2022 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    A third of RA cases in women may be prevented with healthy lifestyle

    Adhering to a healthy lifestyle, namely never smoking, moderate alcohol use, regular exercise, healthy BMI, and healthy diet, is associated with a significantly reduced risk for rheumatoid arthritis in women, show data from the Nurses’ Health Studies.

  3. 10-07-2019 | Psoriatic arthritis | Highlight | Article

    Methotrexate versus etanercept as first-line therapy for psoriatic arthritis

    Lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol, and obesity also have differential impact on the appropriateness of therapy choice.

  4. 10-06-2019 | Gout | News | Article

    European recommendations for the diagnosis of gout issued

    Such risk factors include “potentially modifiable” lifestyle factors such as obesity and consumption of excess alcohol, sugary drinks, meat, and shellfish.

  5. 12-02-2019 | Cardiovascular disease | Editorial | Article

    Cardiovascular risk management in arthritis: Why still a bridge too far?

    Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In this editorial Michael Nurmohamed discusses the EULAR recommendations for cardiovascular risk management, focusing on the role of the rheumatologist.

  6. 14-01-2019 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Trial results support management of cardiovascular risk factors in RA patients

    Nevertheless, they conclude in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases : “These findings provide for the first time evidence on the efficacy of cardiovascular risk management in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.”

  7. 27-09-2018 | Fibromyalgia | Editorial | Article

    Treatment and outcomes of pediatric fibromyalgia: More than resolving pain

    David Sherry discusses various pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments for management of pediatric fibromyalgia, and outlines the impact of an interdisciplinary approach on physical function, mental health and pain outcomes in these patients.

  8. 27-09-2018 | Fibromyalgia | Highlight | Teaser
    Expert opinion editorial

    Treatment and outcomes of pediatric fibromyalgia: More than resolving pain

    David Sherry discusses various pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments for management of pediatric fibromyalgia, and outlines the impact of an interdisciplinary approach on physical function, mental health and pain outcomes in these patients.

  9. 21-07-2018 | Systemic sclerosis | Review | Article

    Pain and its management in systemic sclerosis

    Merz EL, Assassi S, Malcarne VL. Curr Treat Options in Rheum 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40674-018-0104-4

  10. 02-04-2018 | Ankylosing spondylitis | Review | Article

    Personalized axial spondyloarthritis care

    Akkoc N. Curr Treat Options in Rheum 2018; Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s40674-018-0094-2

  11. 31-08-2017 | Gout | News | Article

    Lifestyle modification might improve ULT response in gout patients

    These “modifiable risk factors […] are strongly influenced by lifestyle, and might be related to dietary indiscretion,” say the study authors, adding that their findings could “help physicians identify patients with a need for a lifestyle change and educational intervention or a tighter follow-up to adapt ULT dosage, to achieve the treatment target.”

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