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68 search results for:

Lupus nephritis 

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  1. 01-08-2022 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    FDA approves belimumab for pediatric lupus nephritis

    medwireNews : The US FDA has announced that the indication for belimumab will be expanded to include active lupus nephritis in children and adolescents aged 5–17 years.

  2. 22-07-2022 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    Leflunomide shows promise in lupus nephritis

    Leflunomide, a DMARD used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, is noninferior to azathioprine for the prevention of kidney flares in people with lupus nephritis, Chinese researchers report.

  3. 01-08-2022 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    Voclosporin set for EMA approval for lupus nephritis

    The EMA recommends that voclosporin should be used in combination with mycophenolate mofetil for treating active class III, IV, or V lupus nephritis in adults.

  4. 27-06-2022 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    Maintenance therapy discontinuation may be risky in proliferative lupus nephritis

    Individuals who discontinue maintenance immunosuppressive therapy for proliferative lupus nephritis after 2–3 years have a higher rate of relapse and severe flares than those who continue with treatment, suggest data from the WIN-Lupus trial.

  5. 01-04-2022 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    Trial supports tacrolimus as an alternative to cyclophosphamide for lupus nephritis

    Phase 3 trial results suggest that the calcineurin inhibitor tacrolimus may represent an alternative option to cyclophosphamide for the initial treatment of lupus nephritis.

  6. 15-02-2022 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    Intensified anifrolumab regimen may warrant further investigation for lupus nephritis

    Findings from the phase 2 TULIP-LN trial suggest that add-on treatment with an intensified regimen of anifrolumab, a type I interferon receptor inhibitor, may improve some outcomes for patients with lupus nephritis.

  7. 21-12-2021 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    IL-16 implicated in lupus nephritis pathogenesis

    Expression of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-16 strongly correlates with histologic activity in people undergoing treatment for lupus nephritis, shows a longitudinal study of urinary proteomic profiles.

  8. 12-10-2021 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    Add-on obinutuzumab shows promise for proliferative lupus nephritis

    Findings from the phase 2 NOBILITY trial suggest that the addition of the type II anti-CD20 antibody obinutuzumab to standard therapy may improve renal outcomes for patients with proliferative lupus nephritis.

  9. 07-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    US study identifies racial disparities in lupus nephritis mortality

    Lupus nephritis mortality rates have increased in recent years and are significantly higher among Black people than among those of other races or ethnicities, US study data show.

  10. 10-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article
    News in brief

    ​​​​​​​AURORA 2 shows enduring proteinuria benefits with voclosporin in lupus nephritis

    Voclosporin has a sustained proteinuria-reducing effect in patients with lupus nephritis, suggests an interim analysis of the AURORA 2 study.

  11. 08-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article
    News in brief

    Lupus nephritis patients may experience declining kidney function despite proteinuria resolution

    A substantial proportion of patients with lupus nephritis from a US study continued to accrue renal damage despite being classified as having a complete response to standard therapy based on proteinuric criteria.

  12. 18-05-2021 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    AURORA 1: Voclosporin improves renal outcomes in patients with lupus nephritis

    Adding the calcineurin inhibitor voclosporin to background immunosuppressive therapy improves renal response rates among people with lupus nephritis, show phase 3 trial results published in The Lancet .

  13. 08-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Add-on treatment for lupus nephritis: Should belimumab or voclosporin be used first?

    In “The Great Debate” held at the ACR Convergence 2021 virtual meeting, experts discussed which new add-on treatment option should be used first for patients with active lupus nephritis despite conventional therapy.

  14. 29-03-2021 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    EMA recommends approval of belimumab for lupus nephritis

    medwireNews : The EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has adopted a positive opinion on expanding the indication of belimumab to include lupus nephritis in Europe.

  15. 25-05-2021 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | News | Article

    Low C3 levels, lupus nephritis may predict preterm birth risk in SLE

    Low levels of serum complement 3 protein and a history of lupus nephritis are associated with an increased risk for preterm birth in pregnant women with systemic lupus erythematosus, Japanese researchers report.

  16. 18-01-2021 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    FDA approves belimumab for lupus nephritis

    medwireNews : The US FDA has approved belimumab as the first drug treatment for adult patients with active lupus nephritis.

  17. 02-02-2021 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    Voclosporin approved for lupus nephritis in the USA

    medwireNews : The US FDA has approved voclosporin, a calcineurin inhibitor, as the first oral treatment option for active lupus nephritis.

  18. 25-03-2021 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    High prednisone dose, rapid tapering may be favorable in new-onset lupus nephritis

    Patients with new-onset lupus nephritis may be more likely to achieve a complete renal response if initially given a higher dose of prednisone than currently recommended, findings indicate.

  19. 05-06-2020 | EULAR 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Belimumab shows promise for lupus nephritis

    Adding belimumab to standard therapy improves renal outcomes among patients with lupus nephritis, indicate findings from the BLISS-LN trial presented at the EULAR 2020 E-Congress.

  20. 07-04-2020 | Lupus nephritis | News | Article

    EULAR, ERA–EDTA issue guidelines for managing lupus nephritis

    EULAR and the Renal Association–European Dialysis and Transplant Association have issued updated recommendations for the management of lupus nephritis.

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