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  1. 02-06-2022 | EULAR 2022 | Conference coverage | Article

    Methotrexate add-on therapy boosts pegloticase efficacy in refractory gout

    The addition of methotrexate to pegloticase for the treatment of uncontrolled gout improves the rate of sustained urate-lowering response over 6 months, show findings from the MIRROR randomized controlled trial.

  2. 03-05-2018 | Gout | Case report | Article

    Retreatment with pegloticase after a gap in therapy in patients with gout: A report of four cases

    The authors describe four patients with chronic gout who were successfully managed with pegloticase and were retreated following a gap in therapy. Morton AH, Hosey T, LaMoreaux B. Rheumatol Ther 2018; Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s40744-018-0111-9

  3. 17-06-2015 | Gout | Article

    Tophus resolution with pegloticase: a prospective dual-energy CT study

    This study investigated the ability of pegloticase to reduce tophus in patients with refractory gout. Araujo EG, Bayat S, Petsch C, Englbrecht M, Faustini F, Kleyer A, et al. RMD Open . 2015;1:e000075. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2015-000075.

  4. 02-05-2018 | Gout | Article

    Accuracy of the HumaSensplus point-of-care uric acid meter using capillary blood obtained by fingertip puncture

    Fabre S et al. Arthritis Res Ther 2018; 20: 78. doi: 10.1186/s13075-018-1585-0

  5. 20-03-2018 | Gout | Review | Article

    What is the evidence for treat-to-target serum urate in gout?

    Bursill D, Dalbeth N. Curr Rheumatol Rep 2018; 20: 11. doi: 10.1007/s11926-018-0719-3

  6. 21-02-2018 | Gout | Editorial | Article

    Gout therapies and cardiovascular risk

    Benzbromarone or pegloticase are alternatives, but are not available in many countries.

  7. 30-10-2017 | Gout | Editorial | Article

    Evolution or revolution in urate-lowering therapies for gout?

    For example, febuxostat and topiroxostat are potent, specific inhibitors of xanthine oxidase, pegloticase is an uricolytic medication, and verinurad is to date the most potent URAT1 inhibitor to be tested in clinical trials [9].

  8. 08-09-2016 | Gout | Article

    Comparative efficacy and safety of urate-lowering therapy for the treatment of hyperuricemia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

    Compared with pegloticase 8 mg 2 W, pegloticase 8 mg 4 W showed better efficacy and safety.

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