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34 search results for:

Positron emission tomography 

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  1. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Positron emission tomography of giant cell arteritis

  2. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Positron emission tomography of Henoch-Schönlein vasculitis

  3. 07-12-2022 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Similar reduction in CV risk with different add-on RA treatments

    Specifically, the team measured the maximum arterial target-to-background ratio (TBR) in the most diseased segment of the carotid artery or aorta, which is a measure of 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in FDG-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) scans and correlates with markers of inflammation.

  4. 02-11-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | Highlight | Teaser
    medwireNews top story

    Support for PET imaging in early giant cell arteritis diagnosis

    Imaging with a combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography scanner shows good accuracy for diagnosing giant cell arteritis versus the gold-standard temporal artery biopsy.

  5. 22-10-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | News | Article

    Support for PET imaging in early giant cell arteritis diagnosis

    Imaging with a combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography scanner shows good accuracy for diagnosing giant cell arteritis versus the gold-standard temporal artery biopsy.

  6. 15-01-2020 | Myositis | Editorial | Article

    Do myositis-specific antibodies have an impact on the treatment of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies?

    Patients with either of these antibodies should undergo more aggressive cancer screening with early computerized axial tomography scans, or even positron emission tomography in some cases, to allow discovery of underlying occult malignancy.

  7. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Vasculitis imaging collection [Title slide]

  8. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Computed tomography scan of granulomatosis with polyangiitis

    Computed tomography (CT) axial image of the lungs at the subcarinal level (a) shows marked stenosis of the left bronchus ( arrow ).

  9. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Computed tomography angiography of giant cell arteritis

  10. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Digital subtraction angiography of Buerger’s disease

  11. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Magnetic resonance imaging of Kawasaki disease

  12. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Color Doppler ultrasonography of Takayasu arteritis

  13. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Ultrasonography of isolated idiopathic aortitis

  14. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Gray-scale and color Doppler ultrasonography of immunoglobulin A vasculitis

  15. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Magnetic resonance angiography of acute aortitis

  16. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Computed tomography angiography of Takayasu arteritis

  17. 25-10-2018 | Giant cell arteritis | News | Article

    Ultrasound shows potential for early diagnosis of large vessel giant cell arteritis

    But she acknowledged that not all blood vessels can be assessed using this technique, which is possible with the more expensive and less readily available positron emission tomography (PET) scan.

  18. 11-01-2019 | Psoriatic arthritis | Editorial | Article

    Screening psoriasis patients for development of psoriatic arthritis

    In addition, modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging or positron emission tomography scans are too expensive to be routinely used as screening tools.

  19. 09-05-2018 | Vasculitis | Case report | Article

    The first case of bacillus Calmette-Guérin-induced small-vessel central nervous system vasculitis

    Positron emission tomography (PET) was normal.

  20. 07-05-2018 | Cardiovascular disease | Article

    Coronary flow reserve in systemic rheumatic diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Erre GL et al. Rheumatol Int 2018; Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s00296-018-4039-8

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