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10 search results for:

Psychological comorbidities 

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  1. 01-07-2019 | Osteoarthritis | News | Article

    OA patients at increased risk for multiple comorbidities

    People with osteoarthritis are significantly more likely than those without to have multiple comorbidities, particularly stroke, peptic ulcers, and the metabolic syndrome, show results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational data.

  2. 10-10-2018 | Mental health | Editorial | Article

    Why depression and anxiety matter in patients with inflammatory arthritis

    Advisory Board member Susan Bartlett discusses the prevalence of mental health comorbidities in patients with inflammatory arthritis, and their impact on disease symptoms and quality of life.

  3. 12-06-2018 | Physical activity | View from the clinic | Article

    Incorporating exercise in the treatment of lupus and other rheumatic diseases: It's time!

    For patients with SLE, increasing physical activity is a potent and underused intervention for addressing the elevated risk of comorbidities.

  4. 28-05-2018 | Rheumatoid arthritis | Article

    Expert recommendations on the psychological needs of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    Objective: To establish feasible and practical recommendations for the management of the psychological needs of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

  5. 03-05-2018 | Rheumatoid arthritis | Article

    Does psychological stress in patients with clinically suspect arthralgia associate with subclinical inflammation and progression to inflammatory arthritis?

    Boer AC et al. Arthritis Res Ther 2018; 20: 93. doi: 10.1186/s13075-018-1587-y

  6. 20-03-2017 | Psoriatic arthritis | Review | Article

    Mitigation of disease- and treatment-related risks in patients with psoriatic arthritis

    Bergman and Lunholm summarize the many disease-specific, treatment-specific, and psychosocial risks associated with psoriatic arthritis and provide guidance on mitigating these risks to improve quality of life. Bergman M & Lundholm A. Arthritis Res Ther 2017;19:63. doi:10.1186/s13075-017-1265-5

  7. 11-08-2017 | Psoriatic arthritis | News | Article

    Monitoring and treatment of comorbidities warranted in PsA patients

    “The impact of psychological distress on [TNF inhibitor] treatment persistence needs further attention and is of particular importance, because depression and anxiety frequently are seen in PsA and may be treatable conditions,” Kristensen et al write in Arthritis Care & Research .

  8. 14-07-2016 | Comorbidities | Article

    Affective disturbance in rheumatoid arthritis: psychological and disease-related pathways

    The relationship between RA and psychological factors is evident both from the altered prevalence rates of some psychiatric disorders causing affective disturbance in patients with RA versus the general population, and from the close links between physiological and psychological mechanisms that underlie these comorbidities.

  9. 19-06-2016 | Comorbidities | Article

    Psychological factors in arthritis: Cause or consequence?

    This chapter provides a brief overview of the relationship between psychology and biology in arthritis, with a focus on the relative contribution of psychological factors to arthritis burden. Harris ML.  In: Nicassio PM (Ed) Psychosocial Factors in Arthritis: Perspectives on Adjustment and Management . Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 2016:53-77. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22858-7_4

  10. 14-01-2014 | Comorbidities | Article

    Multimorbidity and rheumatic conditions—enhancing the concept of comorbidity

    Several researchers have reported a high number of comorbidities in patients with rheumatic diseases.

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