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17 search results for:

RANKL inhibitors 

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  1. 16-08-2021 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    New additions to the Adis Journal Club

    A monthly selection of topical peer-reviewed articles from the Adis journals, curated by the editors.

  2. 08-02-2022 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    Rituximab and rheumatology practice in the COVID-19 era

    How can rheumatologists respond to the challenges associated with rituximab use during the pandemic?

  3. 24-05-2021 | ACR 2021 | Teaser

    ACR Convergence 2021 highlights

    3–9 November: Keep up with the latest news and interviews from the conference.

  4. 06-09-2021 | Pneumonia | Teaser

    Anifrolumab for the treatment of lupus

    Perspective on the approval of anifrolumab and the importance of endpoints in lupus trials.

  5. 26-10-2020 | Vitamin D | Teaser

    Get ready for ACR Convergence 2020

    5 – 9 November: Preview the conference with session recommendations and updates on upcoming coverage.

  6. 10-05-2021 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    Febuxostat and cardiovascular risk in people with gout

    How will the FAST trial results impact regulatory guidance & clinical practice?

  7. 18-11-2020 | Temporal cell arteritis | Teaser

    Telemedicine in rheumatology

    Experts discuss the increasing use of telemedicine in rheumatology during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  8. 06-09-2018 | Osteoporosis | Article

    Real-world management of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with denosumab: A prospective observational study in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

    Růžičková O et al. Adv Ther 2018. doi: 10.1007/s12325-018-0779-9

  9. 20-04-2018 | Osteoporosis | Review | Article

    Postmenopausal osteoporosis treatment update

    Wong EKC, Papaioannou A. Curr Treat Options in Rheum 2018; Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s40674-018-0098-y

  10. 05-08-2017 | Osteoporosis | Review | Article

    New anabolic therapies for osteoporosis

    The authors provide an overview of the new drugs on the horizon, abaloparatide and romosozumab, which stimulate bone formation, and therefore improve bone mass, structure, and ultimately skeletal strength.2 Minisola S, Cipriani C, Occhiuto M, Pepe J. Intern Emerg Med 2017. doi:10.1007/s11739-017-1719-4

  11. 26-07-2017 | Osteoporosis | Article

    Effect of denosumab on trabecular bone score in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis

    This retrospective analysis found that denosumab significantly improved trabecular bone score independently of bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. McClung MR, Lippuner K, Brandi ML et al. Osteoporos Int 2017. doi:10.1007/s00198-017-4140-y

  12. 30-06-2017 | Osteoporosis | Review | Article

    Using osteoporosis therapies in combination

    This review summarizes the evidence on using of osteoporosis drugs in combination and, with the exception of adding teriparatide to denosumab, finds little data to support using more than one drug at a time. McClung MR. Curr Osteoporos Rep 2017;15:343–352. doi:10.1007/s11914-017-0376-x

  13. 26-02-2017 | Osteoporosis | Book Chapter | Article

    New target sites for treatment of osteoporosis

    This chapter summarizes recent updates in the development of anti-osteoporotic agents, focusing on approaches based on the application of inorganic polymers and combination therapy. Müller WEG, Schröder HC, Wang X. In: Blue Biotechnology . Edited by Müller WEG, Schröder HC, Wang X. Springer International Publishing AG, 2017. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51284-6_6

  14. 12-07-2016 | Osteoporosis | Book Chapter | Article

    Medical treatment of age related osteoporosis

    An expert summary of available therapies and those on the horizon for patients with osteoporosis including vitamin D, bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modulators, denosumab, and teriparatide. Wong EK-C, Kim LH-Y, Papaioannou A. In: Osteoporosis in Older Persons . Edited by Duque G, Kile DP. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25976-5_12

  15. 28-04-2016 | Osteoporosis | Review | Article

    The management of osteoporosis in children

    An expert review of the manifestations of osteoporosis in childhood, recommendations for monitoring and prevention, and suggestions for when a child should be considered a candidate for therapy. Ward LM, Konji VN, & Ma J. Osteoporos Int 2016;27:2147–2179. doi:10.1007/s00198-016-3515-9

  16. 18-01-2016 | Osteoporosis | Article

    Efficacy of osteoporosis pharmacotherapies in preventing fracture among oral glucocorticoid users: a network meta-analysis

    The authors assessed the efficacy of approved osteoporosis pharmacotherapies in preventing fracture and determined that teriparatide, risedronate, and etidronate led to a decreased vertebral fracture risk. Amiche MA et al. Osteoporos Int 2016;27:1989–1998. doi:10.1007/s00198-015-3476-4

  17. 03-09-2015 | Osteoporosis | Review | Article

    Cathepsin K inhibition: A new mechanism for the treatment of osteoporosis

    Doung et al. explore the potential advances of the inhibition of cathepsin K by odanacatib and determine whether it could be a novel mechanism of action for the treatment of osteoporosis. Duong LT, Leung AT, & Langdahl B. Calcif Tissue Int 2016;98:381–397. doi:10.1007/s00223-015-0051-0

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