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Knee, hip osteoarthritis linked to increased risk for venous thromboembolism

Knee, hip osteoarthritis linked to increased risk for venous thromboembolism

Patients with osteoarthritis in the knee and hip, but not the hand, have an increased risk for venous thromboembolism, which may be exacerbated by knee and hip replacements, researchers report.

Blood clot thrombosis 3d image

08-10-2020 | Osteoarthritis | News

Knee, hip osteoarthritis linked to increased risk for venous thromboembolism

Patients with osteoarthritis in the knee and hip, but not the hand, have an increased risk for venous thromboembolism, which may be exacerbated by knee and hip replacements, researchers report.

11-08-2020 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News

​​​​​​​RA linked to reduced type 2 diabetes risk

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes relative to individuals without the disease and those with hypertension, osteoarthritis, or psoriatic arthritis, US researchers report.

01-07-2020 | Mental health | News

Heightened risk for self-harm with some rheumatic diseases

Patients with rheumatic diseases, particularly fibromyalgia, have elevated rates of self-harm, according to data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.

​​​​​​​Cardiovascular safety of romosozumab warrants ‘rigorous assessment’

​​​​​​​Cardiovascular safety of romosozumab warrants ‘rigorous assessment’

Romosozumab and other sclerostin inhibitors may increase cardiovascular risk, suggests evidence from a meta-analysis of randomized trials and a study of genetic variants that mimic pharmacologic inhibition of sclerostin.

28-04-2020 | Medications | News

Regular glucosamine supplementation may lower mortality risk

Findings from a large prospective cohort study show that regular use of a glucosamine supplement is associated with a reduced risk for all-cause and cause-specific mortality among the general population.

24-04-2020 | COVID-19 | News

Rheumatologists, patients report healthcare changes during COVID-19 pandemic

Findings from two questionnaire studies suggest that a substantial proportion of rheumatology patients have experienced changes to their disease management since the emergence of COVID-19.

27-03-2020 | Osteoarthritis | News

Weight-bearing exercise ‘may be preferred’ for obese people with knee osteoarthritis

Findings from the TARGET trial suggest that weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing exercise result in similar improvements in pain and function among obese people with medial knee osteoarthritis, but the latter is associated with better quality of life and fewer adverse events.

12-12-2019 | Risk prediction | News

Family history of certain conditions may predict RA risk

People with a family history of rheumatologic autoimmune diseases, osteoarthritis, and thyroid disorders, as well as a number of other conditions, may have an increased risk for developing rheumatoid arthritis, research shows.

26-11-2019 | Osteoarthritis | News

Meta-analysis confirms link between obesity and hip replacement complications

Obese people have a significantly higher risk for complications, particularly infection, following total hip arthroplasty than non-obese people, results of a meta-analysis involving more than 2 million patients show.

21-11-2019 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News

RA comorbidities signal a need to screen

US researchers have identified a number of chronic conditions associated with rheumatoid arthritis, including some that may predispose to RA development and others that may arise as a result of RA.

12-09-2019 | Osteoarthritis | News

Predictors of hip osteoarthritis progression identified

Comorbidity, Kellgren–Lawrence grade, superior or superolateral femoral head migration, and subchondral sclerosis may each predict progression among patients with hip osteoarthritis, show the results of a systematic review.

06-09-2019 | Osteoarthritis | News

Inadequate glycemic testing prior to joint replacement surgery

A substantial proportion of patients undergoing total joint replacement do not receive a test for glycemic control prior to surgery, researchers report.

NSAIDs contribute ‘substantially’ to increased CVD risk in osteoarthritis

NSAIDs contribute ‘substantially’ to increased CVD risk in osteoarthritis

People with osteoarthritis have a significantly higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease than those without, and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs mediates a considerable proportion of this association, researchers report.

Heart and stethoscope

08-08-2019 | Osteoarthritis | Highlight | News

NSAIDs contribute ‘substantially’ to increased CVD risk in osteoarthritis

People with osteoarthritis have a significantly higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease than those without, and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs mediates a considerable proportion of this association, researchers report.

01-07-2019 | Osteoarthritis | News

OA patients at increased risk for multiple comorbidities

People with osteoarthritis are significantly more likely than those without to have multiple comorbidities, particularly stroke, peptic ulcers, and the metabolic syndrome, show results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational data.

31-05-2019 | Osteoarthritis | News

Metformin may slow knee OA progression in people with obesity

Metformin use may protect against knee cartilage damage in obese people with knee osteoarthritis, suggests an analysis of Osteoarthritis Initiative participants.

30-05-2019 | Arthroplasty | News

FDA approves first diagnostic test for joint replacement infections

The US FDA has approved a diagnostic test to aid detection of infections in the synovial fluid surrounding prosthetic joints in patients being considered for revision surgery.

03-10-2018 | Osteoarthritis | News

Diabetes linked to elevated arthritis, osteoporosis risk

Patients with diabetes have an increased risk for arthritis, osteoporosis, and musculoskeletal pain, study findings indicate.

03-10-2018 | Osteoarthritis | News

Musculoskeletal conditions associated with increased chronic disease risk

A large meta-analysis has found that individuals with musculoskeletal conditions may have an increased risk for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.