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35 search results for:

Coronary heart disease 

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  1. 19-08-2022 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Caution needed with hydroxychloroquine use in older RA patients with heart failure

    They note that “the potential cardiovascular toxicity of [hydroxychloroquine] in younger patients […] warrants further exploration,” based on existing evidence suggesting that the agent “may be associated with reduced risk of coronary artery disease in patients with RA.” medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2022 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group J Am Coll Cardiol 2022; 80 : 36–46 J Am Coll Cardiol 2022; 80 : 47–49

  2. 04-06-2022 | EULAR 2022 | Conference coverage | Article

    Mixed results for MACE risk with JAK inhibitors in RA

    There was also no increased incidence for a selected group of 2977 high-risk patients, who were aged at least 50 years and had one or more cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipoproteinemia, or current smoking).

  3. 07-03-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Gout linked to increased risk for COVID-19 diagnosis, mortality

    The study authors note that “[w]omen with gout have an elevated risk of metabolic comorbidities (hypertension, dyslipidaemia, type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, obesity, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and heart failure.”

  4. 11-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Real-world study suggests no elevated CV risk with tofacitinib in overall RA population

    Similar findings were seen for the secondary outcomes of myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, and coronary revascularization in the overall study population, with the nonsignificant HRs ranging from 0.93 to 1.07.

  5. 10-09-2021 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | News | Article

    Novel frailty index predicts adverse health outcomes in longstanding SLE

    The researchers explain that patients are assigned an SLICC-FI score out of 48, based on 48 health deficits, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, and malignancy, being absent (0 points) or present (1 point).

  6. 05-06-2021 | EULAR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article
    News in brief 

    CV risk similar for gout treatments allopurinol and benzbromarone

    The researchers also conducted a subanalysis of patients at high risk for CV disease but again there was no significant difference between the two groups for the composite outcome or its individual components, or for hospitalization for heart failure.

  7. 07-05-2021 | Gout | Feature | Article

    Febuxostat and cardiovascular risk in people with gout

    Singh says that the primary outcome of the FAST trial was also neutral, with comparable rates of CV death, hospitalization for nonfatal myocardial infarction or biomarker-positive acute coronary syndrome, and nonfatal stroke in the febuxostat and allopurinol groups.

  8. 09-11-2020 | ACR 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    FAST: No increase in cardiovascular risk with febuxostat vs allopurinol

    For instance, all CARES participants had established CV disease at baseline, compared with just 33% of those in FAST, and CARES included patients with severe heart failure, whereas FAST excluded people with New York Heart Association functional class III or IV heart failure.

  9. 24-06-2020 | Osteoporosis | News | Article

    ​​​​​​​Cardiovascular safety of romosozumab warrants ‘rigorous assessment’

    The team also identified significant associations between the two genetic variants and an elevated risk for hypertension and type 2 diabetes, suggesting “that the excess risk of coronary events related to inhibition of sclerostin is driven, at least in part, by an increase in cardiovascular risk factors with an established etiological role in [coronary heart disease].”

  10. 25-06-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Age, comorbidities linked to poor COVID-19 outcomes in patients with rheumatic diseases

    Rheumatic diseases and their treatments may not be associated with outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection, but older age and comorbidities are likely risk factors for a severe COVID-19 disease course in rheumatology patients, suggest findings from two studies.

  11. 23-01-2020 | Cardiovascular disease | News | Article

    Comorbid autoimmune conditions amplify CVD risk in inflammatory arthritis

    People with inflammatory arthritis have an elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, and this risk is further increased by the presence of co-existing autoimmune disorders, research suggests.

  12. 21-08-2018 | Psoriatic arthritis | Article

    Malignancy and mortality rates in patients with severe psoriatic arthritis requiring tumor-necrosis factor alpha inhibition: Results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register

    Fagerli KM et al. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2018: key241. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/key241

  13. 12-04-2019 | Gout | Editorial | Article

    Using genetic studies to assess the impact of hyperuricemia in cardiometabolic and chronic kidney disease

    Editorial Board member Fernando Pérez-Ruiz discusses the impact of hyperuricemia in cardiometabolic and chronic kidney disease, focusing on the role of genetic studies in showing a causal association between these conditions.

  14. 05-01-2018 | Rheumatoid arthritis | News | Article

    Disease activity linked to adverse outcomes in RA patients

    Higher disease activity is associated with an increased risk for serious infection, myocardial infarction, and coronary heart disease among patients with rheumatoid arthritis, US study results suggest.

  15. 08-05-2018 | Kawasaki disease | Review | Article

    Circulating adipokines are associated with Kawasaki disease

    And KD is the most common cause of coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) in children or young adults and the leading cause of acquired heart disease [3].

  16. 02-07-2018 | Rheumatoid arthritis | Highlight | Teaser
    Journal article

    The best cardiovascular risk calculator to predict carotid plaques in rheumatoid arthritis patients

    The aim of this study is to determine which risk calculator correlates best with carotid ultrasound findings, specifically carotid plaque and carotid intima-media thickness in rheumatoid arthritis patients without clinical manifestations [ read more ].  Wah-Suarez MI et al. Clin Rheumatol 2018. doi: 10.1007/s10067-018-4181-4

  17. 01-06-2018 | Gout | Article

    Comorbidity in gout at the time of first diagnosis: Sex differences that may have implications for dosing of urate lowering therapy

    Drivelegka P et al. Arthritis Res Ther 2018; 20: 108. doi: 10.1186/s13075-018-1596-x

  18. 01-06-2018 | Gout | Article

    Gout and the risk of myocardial infarction in older adults: A study of Medicare recipients

    Singh JA, Cleveland JD. Arthritis Res Ther 2018; 20: 109. doi: 10.1186/s13075-018-1606-z

  19. 14-05-2018 | Osteoporosis | Article

    Prevalence and comorbidity of osteoporosis: A cross-sectional analysis on 10,660 adults aged 50 years and older in Germany

    Puth MT et al. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2018; 19: 144. doi: 10.1186/s12891-018-2060-4

  20. 03-07-2017 | Gout | Review | Article

    Impact of comorbidities on gout and hyperuricemia: An update on prevalence and treatment options

    This review provides an overview of comorbidities in gout, especially renal and cardiovascular diseases, which must be considered as they contribute to patient prognosis and complicate gout management. Bardin T, Richette P. BMC Med 2017;15:123. doi:10.1186/s12916-017-0890-9

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