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39 search results for:

Stem cell treatments 

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  1. 10-09-2018 | Osteoarthritis | Review | Article

    Evaluating the current literature on treatments containing adipose-derived stem cells for osteoarthritis: A progress update

    The purpose of this systematic review is to evaluate the current literature on treatments containing adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells when used

  2. 18-11-2022 | ACR 2022 | Conference coverage | Article

    A Great Debate: To treat or not to treat in pre-RA?

    El-Gabalawy also made a final point that “if we did treat this [pre-RA] population with existing therapies that only delay the onset [of RA], how are we going to find study participants to discover treatments that really prevent RA?”

  3. 23-08-2022 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | News | Article

    LUPIL-2: Aldesleukin warrants further investigation for SLE

    David Klatzmann (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France) and co-investigators explain that insufficiency of Tregs due to a shortage of IL-2 “is central to the pathophysiology” of SLE, but there are currently no approved treatments targeting this pathway.

  4. 28-01-2022 | COVID-19 | Video | Article

    Rituximab use in the COVID-19 era: Striking the right balance

    And that may be a way out of this repeated cycles of B-cell depletion blocking the antibody response.

  5. 18-01-2022 | COVID-19 | Feature | Article

    COVID-19: Lessons learned for rheumatology practice

    How has the pandemic changed clinical practice and what learnings can rheumatologists take forward to improve patient care?

    Patient awareness and communicating risks For some patients, the pandemic has increased their awareness of the link between rheumatic diseases, their treatments, and infection risk, and Wallace anticipates that this may affect patient–physician communication going forward.

  6. 10-01-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    B-cell threshold for COVID-19 vaccine response defined in rituximab-treated patients

    The team notes that there was no significant correlation between B-cell numbers and serologic response in RA patients on other treatments or healthy controls, suggesting that the association “is restricted to patients with B cell counts below the lower limits of normal.”

  7. 10-12-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Only rituximab, not other immunosuppressants, associated with poor COVID-19 outcomes

    They stress that a number of questions about rituximab and COVID-19 vaccination still need to be addressed, including the impact of booster doses, the importance of T cell-mediated immunity, and the optimal timing of rituximab therapy.

  8. 08-11-2021 | ACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Add-on treatment for lupus nephritis: Should belimumab or voclosporin be used first?

    Although Petri advocated for belimumab in the debate, she said: “I think if our Great Debate is successful, you will feel comfortable using both of these new treatments for lupus nephritis.”

  9. 01-03-2021 | COVID-19 | Feature | Article

    COVID-19 vaccination in patients with rheumatic diseases

    Do patients need to stop or alter RMD drug treatments when having a COVID-19 vaccine?  

  10. 10-07-2021 | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Pediatric Drugs

    An Update on the Management of Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    However, most treatments in pediatric patients are off-label drugs with recommendations based on inadequately powered studies, therapeutic consensus guidelines, or case series.

  11. 01-10-2020 | Systemic sclerosis | News | Article

    QoL benefits of stem cell transplantation shown in SSc

    Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation leads to early and sustained clinically relevant improvements in health-related quality of life among patients with systemic sclerosis, study findings indicate.

  12. 01-10-2020 | Systemic sclerosis | Highlight | Teaser
    medwireNews top story

    QoL benefits of stem cell transplantation shown in SSc

    Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation leads to early and sustained clinically relevant improvements in health-related quality of life among patients with systemic sclerosis, study findings indicate.

  13. 08-04-2020 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    ACR advises on resource allocation during COVID-19 pandemic

    The guidance for IL-1, IL-6, and JAK inhibitors similarly states that an adequate supply must be maintained for patients who need these agents, given that they are used to treat a variety of rheumatic diseases including RA, giant cell arteritis, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

  14. Lupus Treatment: B Cells, Interferon & More

    Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, USA Moderators:  Kenneth Kalunian, USA; Saira Sheikh, USA B Cell Therapies: How the Past Informs the Future  David Isenberg, UK The Interferon Story: More to Come  Richard Furie, USA Looking to the Future of Lupus Therapies Daniel Wallace, USA

  15. 12-11-2019 | Vaccination | ACR/ARP 2019 | Article

    Study challenges safety concerns over live vaccine use in rheumatic disease patients

    A risk that Curtis pointed out is increased further for those taking treatments commonly used to treat the inflammatory disorders.

  16. 10-03-2020 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | News | Article

    Treat-to-target endpoints ‘feasible’ in lupus trials

    “As new and more effective treatments emerge, following the example set in other rheumatic diseases, [T2T] approaches are likely to become part of the standard of care in SLE,” they add.

  17. 14-12-2018 | Systemic sclerosis | Case study | Article

    A systemic sclerosis patient who has undergone autologous stem cell transplantation

    Daniel Furst and Nihal Fathi present a case of a patient with diffuse systemic sclerosis who undergoes autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after failing two other therapies.

  18. 14-12-2018 | Systemic sclerosis | Highlight | Teaser
    Case report

    A systemic sclerosis patient who has undergone autologous stem cell transplantation

    Daniel Furst and Nihal Fathi present a case of a patient with diffuse systemic sclerosis who undergoes autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after failing two other therapies.

  19. 20-11-2018 | Myositis | Article

    Long-term follow-up of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for refractory juvenile dermatomyositis: A case-series study

    The authors report the treatment and follow-up of three patients with refractory juvenile dermatomyositis who received autologous hematopoietic stem

  20. 30-09-2019 | Systemic lupus erythematosus | News | Article

    Low-dose IL-2 shows potential for SLE

    They add that “future clinical studies for low-dose IL-2 therapy should recruit a larger cohort and stratify patients based on background treatments,” which would allow them to analyze “the therapeutic efficacy of low-dose IL-2 without the interference of background treatments.”

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