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30 search results for:

Takayasu arteritis 

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  1. 29-01-2020 | Takayasu arteritis | News | Article

    Long-term tocilizumab has ‘clear steroid-sparing effect’ in Takayasu arteritis

    Treatment with the interleukin 6 inhibitor tocilizumab over 96 weeks is associated with a reduction in glucocorticoid dose among patients with Takayasu arteritis, researchers report.

  2. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Color Doppler ultrasonography of Takayasu arteritis

  3. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Computed tomography angiography of Takayasu arteritis

  4. 04-04-2018 | Takayasu arteritis | Review | Article

    Takayasu arteritis: Advanced understanding is leading to new horizons

    Tombetti E, Mason JC. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2018; Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/key040

  5. 12-07-2018 | Takayasu arteritis | Article

    Certolizumab pegol in the treatment of Takayasu arteritis

    Novikov P et al. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2018. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/key197

  6. 17-01-2018 | Takayasu arteritis | Case report | Article

    Takayasu arteritis a cause of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy: A case report

    The authors present a case of 21-year-old Mexican woman of Mestizo descent with chronic hypertension diagnosed since she was 15-years old who presented severe hypertension during pregnancy (early second trimester). Lumbreras-Marquez J et al. J Med Case Reports 2018; 12: 12. doi: 10.1186/s13256-017-1534-6

  7. 17-01-2018 | Takayasu arteritis | Highlight | Teaser
    Practice tip: Case study

    Takayasu arteritis a cause of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy: a case report

    The authors present a case of 21-year-old Mexican woman of Mestizo descent with chronic hypertension diagnosed since she was 15-years old who presented severe hypertension during pregnancy (early second trimester) [ read more ]. Lumbreras-Marquez J et al. J Med Case Reports 2018; 12: 12. doi: 10.1186/s13256-017-1534-6

  8. 11-07-2018 | Takayasu arteritis | Article

    Extravascular manifestations of Takayasu arteritis: Focusing on the features shared with spondyloarthritis

    Takayasu arteritis (TAK) is a systemic disease characterized by large vessel involvement.

  9. 12-07-2018 | Takayasu arteritis | Case report | Article

    Evolution into Takayasu arteritis in a patient presenting with acute pulmonary edema due to severe aortic regurgitation: A case report

    The authors report a young female who presented with acute pulmonary edema due to aortic regurgitation without any other clinical features of Takayasu arteritis, subsequently diagnosed as Takayasu arteritis after a long follow up period. de Silva NL et al. BMC Rheumatol 2018; 2: 20. doi: 10.1186/s41927-018-0028-5

  10. 14-07-2021 | Vasculitis | News | Article

    US societies issue guidelines for vasculitis management

    Sharon Chung (University of California, San Francisco, USA) and team developed the guidelines using GRADE methodology, and they provide recommendations on the management of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis, giant cell arteritis (GCA), Takayasu arteritis, and polyarteritis nodosa.

  11. 24-07-2019 | Large-vessel vasculitis | News | Article

    EULAR issues updated guidance for managing large vessel vasculitis

    EULAR has released updated recommendations for the management of large vessel vasculitis, including giant cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis.

  12. 04-05-2020 | Large-vessel vasculitis | News | Article
    News in brief

    COVID-19 outcomes described in patients with large-vessel vasculitis

    A total of 95 people with giant cell arteritis (GCA) and 67 with Takayasu arteritis (TA) participated in a survey about COVID-19, none of whom reported LVV relapse.

  13. 17-09-2018 | Large-vessel vasculitis | Review | Article

    Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of large-vessel vasculitides

    Keser G, Aksu K. Rheumatol Int 2018. doi: 10.1007/s00296-018-4157-3

  14. 14-12-2018 | Pediatric | Article

    Off-label use of tocilizumab to treat non-juvenile idiopathic arthritis in pediatric rheumatic patients: a literature review

    Jung JY et al. Pediatr Rheumatol 2018; 16: 79. doi: 10.1186/s12969-018-0296-z

  15. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Vasculitis imaging collection [Title slide]

  16. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Computed tomography scan of granulomatosis with polyangiitis

  17. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Computed tomography angiography of giant cell arteritis

  18. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Digital subtraction angiography of Buerger’s disease

  19. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Magnetic resonance imaging of Kawasaki disease

  20. 03-01-2018 | Vasculitis | Image

    Ultrasonography of isolated idiopathic aortitis

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